Thursday, May 22, 2008

Clark & Pougnaud

So, after my first day, I would say my internship is off to a fabulous start because more than half of my day was spent researching different galleries in Chicago (something I wouldn't mind doing anyway!). During this, I was exposed to a lot of new and exciting artists that I have never heard of before. I fell IN LOVE with Clark & Pougnaud, a team from France that mixes photography, painting, and digital retouching. They have a few different fun photo sets that you can see on the Catherine Edelman Gallery's website (along with some other fantastic artists!)... Here are a few of my personal favorites:

L'Ascension (2000) from Le Parcours de Dorothy (Dorothy's Journey - a Wizard of Oz set?! I was obviously IMMEDIATELY in love)

Anne-Charlotte, Arnaud et Stephane (2000) from Hommage a Edward Hopper (A Tribute to Edward Hopper - an incredible American artist - this one is based off of his Nighthawk)

Anne Charlotte (2003) from Les Contes de Fees (Fairy Tales - I find it fascinating the way these images play with perspective and reality vs. artificiality)

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